Vault Smart Contract

This smart contract facilitates the issuance and management of yield-bearing tokens tied to a Bond Vault. It includes functionalities for initializing the contract, managing tokens, and handling administrative roles and actions. The smart contract manages the bond contract, minting and burning bonds.

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Core Contract Functions


  • Description: Initializes the contract with necessary parameters and sets up the token and admin details.

  • Inputs:

    • token_wasm_hash: BytesN<32> - The hash of the token contract. (use the official token from soroban-examples

    • token: Address - Address of the token.

    • admin: Address - Address of the administrator.

    • start_time: u64 - Start time of the bond.

    • end_time: u64 - End time of the bond.

    • quote_period: u64 - Duration for which quotes are valid.

    • treasury: Address - Address of the treasury.

    • min_deposit: u128 - Minimum deposit required.

    • bond_symbol: String - Symbol for the bond token.

  • Output: Result<(), VaultError> - Success or specific error code.


  • Description: Allows depositing tokens into the vault, issuing corresponding shares based on current quote.

  • Inputs:

    • from: Address - Address from which tokens are deposited.

    • amount: i128 - Amount of tokens to deposit.

  • Output: Result<i128, VaultError> - Amount of shares issued or an error code.


  • Description: Withdraws tokens by burning the corresponding amount of shares and transferring the tokens to the specified address.

  • Inputs:

    • to: Address - Address to which tokens are to be sent.

    • amount: i128 - Amount of shares to redeem.

  • Output: Result<i128, VaultError> - Amount of tokens withdrawn or an error code.


  • Description: Sets the current quote for the token shares.

  • Inputs:

    • amount: i128 - The new quote to be set.

  • Output: Result<(), VaultError> - Success or an error code indicating failure.


  • Description: Sets the total amount available for redemption at maturity.

  • Inputs:

    • amount: i128 - Total redemption amount to set.

  • Output: Result<(), VaultError> - Success or an error code.


  • Description: Updates the address of the treasury.

  • Inputs:

    • treasury: Address - New treasury address.

  • Output: Result<(), VaultError> - Success or an error code.


  • Description: Updates the administrator of the contract.

  • Inputs:

    • new_admin: Address - New administrator address.

  • Output: Result<(), VaultError> - Success or an error code.

Administrative Functions


  • Description: Retrieves the current administrator address.

  • Output: Result<Address, VaultError> - Current admin address or an error code.


  • Description: Retrieves the end time of the bond.

  • Output: Result<u64, VaultError> - End time or an error code.


  • Description: Retrieves the total number of shares issued.

  • Output: Result<i128, VaultError> - Total shares or an error code.


  • Description: Retrieves the address of the treasury.

  • Output: Result<Address, VaultError> - Treasury address or an error code.

Utility Functions


  • Description: Retrieves the current quote for the token shares.

  • Output: Result<i128, VaultError> - Current quote or an error code.


  • Description: Retrieves the total amount of tokens deposited in the vault.

  • Output: Result<i128, VaultError> - Total deposited tokens or an error code.


  • Description: Retrieves the total available redemption amount.

  • Output: Result<i128, VaultError> - Available redemption amount or an error code.

Last updated